Home Shrimp Himin-Gold


Himin Gold



Himin is highly specialised formulation with chelated mineral compounds.


Himin Gold is highly specialised formulation with chealted mineral compunds including Zinc, Manganese, Cobalt, Iron, Calcium, Phosphorus, Molybdenum, Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium, Borax, DiCalcium phosphate etc in suitable proportions.


Creates a healthy environment for the growth of shrimp.
Enhances the Bio Mineralisation process in aquaculture ponds.
Prevents problems likeloose shell,body cramps etc of shrimp.
Promotes high quality phytoplankton.
Helps in quick formation and hardness of complete shell of shrimps.
Stimulates and requlate the periodic moulting process of shrimps.
Increases skeletal and muscle strength of the animal.
Makes the shrimp more active and stress free.


Reqular use: 10kg per acre of pond water in every 2to3 weeks interval, For Mineral deficiency Pond:15kg per acre once in every week.(or) as per the advice of aqua consultant.


10kg met.poly polyster pouch
Take recommneded qualty of HIMIN and directly apply in culture pond uniformly