Home Shrimp Super-relax



Super Relax


Super relax is a potent blend of Quaternary ammonium compound and aldehydes, featuring an excellent broad spectrum disinfectant property with its proven effectiveness against bacteria, virus, fungi, algae and protozoa.Super relax helps in maintaining good Biosecurity in Aquaculture ponds. Regular use of Super relax ensures good health, hygiene and sanitation in farms and hatcheries, thereby preventing diseases to Shrimp, Prawn and Fish.
Microbial control in Hatcheries
Shrimp, Prawn and Fish eggs themselves act as carriers for transmission of microorganisms in aquaculture system. Because of this reason, it is important to have good routine disinfection practices to create effective barrier between facilities and also with in the facility.Glutaraldehyde in Super relax has specific action to disinfect eggs and to prevent bacterial infections in Aquaculture.
Mode of Action
Benzalkonium Chloride in Super relax permeates the cell membrane, which “drives” the Glutaraldehyde and Formaldehyde “inside” the cell to destroy the microorganism.


Alkyl Dimethyl Benzyl Ammonuium Chloride
Stabilizers & Potentiators


Control Bacterial diseases such as Necrosis,Black spot,Tail rot,Black Gill,Filamentous and other Bacterial diseases in fishes/Shrimps.Adjusts the pH of water and minimise the sludge formation.Simulates moulting in shrimp.


1 ltr/acre


1lt, 5lt, 20lt