Home Shrimp Super-Fresh-W&SP





Bacteria are nature's recyclers. They have the ability to degrade an astonishing number of compounds, due to their evolution in myriad locations over millions of years, enhancing their suitability for a large variety of natural and manmade systems.

In typical Aquaculture ponds, massive amounts of dissolved organic matter leach out from the rich feeds. These organic compounds exert a selection pressure favoring a few fast growing bacteria. These bacteria become dominant and reduce bacterial diversity. The result is a proliferation of unstable microbial communities unable to digest the organic load. Since the organic load settle at the bottom of these ponds, conditions lead to the accumulation of toxic substances formed by the incomplete degradation of organic matter. In time, deterioration of culture water affects the pond's productivity by reducing its carrying capacity and increasing its susceptibility to stress and disease. Sludge develops, algae become overabundant, oxygen becomes limited, and the incidence of disease and stunted growth increases, and mortality rates soar.

SUPER FRESH W&SP is a proprietary blend of highly concentrated carefully selected, non-pathogenic, cost-effective and naturally occurring microorganisms - Bacillus SP., Nitrosomonas sp., Nitrobacter sp., Aerobacter sp., Cellulomonas sp., and biochemical accelerators with high enzyme activity of Lipase, Hemicellulase, Lactase, Proteases, Amylase when added to aquatic systems attack, degrade, and liquefy fecal mass, undigested food and other organics that contribute to conditions unacceptable to good aquatic system management and production. There are up to 76 different strains of bacteria in SUPER FRESH W&SP

Combinations of species often provide a more powerful and complete degradation of specific pollutants than individual strains applied alone, because the by-products of one species often serve as another species food. SUPER FRESH W&SP is a correctly balanced formula of bacterial strains, can use this synergistic effect to completely break down pollutants to non-toxic by-products such as carbon dioxide, water and sulfate. Each strain of SUPER FRESH W&SP bacteria has been specially adapted to prefer specific difficult-todegrade wastes.

Each strain of SUPER FRESH W&SP bacteria has been specially adapted to prefer specific difficult-todegrade wastes.

SUPER FRESH W&SP formulations are manufactured in dry media and have a 97% reactivation rate with rapid reproduction levels reached within 5 hours after application within their shelf life, which is up to two years.

The selected, pre-adapted microorganisms in SUPER FRESH W&SP are more aggressive than most pathogenic strains of bacteria, already in the water. The technology behind this formulation constitutes Tejaswi's competitive edge in evolving a most versatile formulation available for use in Aquaculture. The bacterial technology involved in SUPER FRESH W&SP is developed to improve water quality in aquaculture Farms and Ponds, where maximum density and minimal water changes are present. Bacteria in SUPER FRESH W&SP produce enzymes that allow them to break up complex compounds into pieces that can enter the cell to be used for growth and reproduction. When added to water, the bacteria attach themselves to solid particles, whether floating in the water or settled on the bottom, and secrete enzymes which decompose the particles. Certain dissolved compounds, such as ammonia and sulfide, are absorbed directly into the cell.

The frequency with which water changes should be made depends on the normal water chemistry requirements of the species being raised and the degree to which the ideal water quality parameter can be maintained without additional water. Acidity and alkalinity (pH) evaporation, salinity, and other factors should be considered. A pond, which would normally require a complete water change may only need a partial water change after a treatment program with SUPER FRESH W&SP is implemented.

SUPER FRESH W&SP Pincludes waste degrading strains to reduce organic loadings in the water column, preventing a buildup of sludge on the pond bottom. When SUPER FRESH W&SP formula is used, the nutrients dropping to the pond bottom are so reduced that the anaerobic sludge dwelling vibrio bacteria is unable to form toxic hydrogen sulfide gas. SUPER FRESH W&SP formula can reduce pathogenic microbes due to antagonism and also eliminates the luminescent bacterial problems.

SUPER FRESH W&SP which also contains Nitrosomonas degrades ammonia to nitrite and Nitrobacter degrades nitrite to nitrate in the aerobic environment of the water column, and to nitrogen gas in the anaerobic environment of the bottom sludge or gravel.


Each gram contains 14types of live beneficial bacterial strains with Potentcy of 3billion.


Prevents vibrio species and occurrence of luminous bacteria.Drastically reduces the green and yellow colony counts.Removes bottom sludge ammonia & nitrite levels.Increases yield by 30%


1kg/acre n 7 to 10 days Intervals.


10KG,20KG plastic Buckets